Monday, February 22, 2016

A Letter From the Universe to You

Dear beloved,
I know I can be hard to see sometimes, but I want you to know that I am always here.
When you breathe your last, you and I will become one in a way you have never experienced before.
Shamunaia, ata mikauna.
Your body will decompose, and you, as you understand yourself, will end. You will die. And you will never taste breath again.
Shamunaia ata mikauna.
I will live on forever, and I will remember you. And I will turn your bones into roots and soil for the always turning tides. I will take your dust and create new life from it, just as I took dust to make you.
Shamunaia ata mikauna.
Do not be afraid of the end, beloved.
The end of your body and your awareness is necessary. Even your one life depends on the endings of millions of others.
Every life is built on death. And every death is built on life. From dust to dust, I create and destroy you.
But though you be dead and dissolved, you are not lost. You are not an absence. You are part of a great presence.
Because I am you.
And I will always be with you. Because I am always.
The Universe

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